NASA last heard from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft on 5 November. Mission managers are not sure what went wrong, but communication problems began shortly after an attempt to move one of its solar arrays (Illustration: NASA/Corby Waste)
An unexpected break in communications has NASA struggling to restore contact with its Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. If communication cannot be restored soon, NASA may try to diagnose the problem by having another spacecraft, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, take pictures of MGS.
MGS recently had its 10-year anniversary in space (see the New Scientist Space blog Mars probe's birthday blues). It was launched on 7 November 1996 and has been orbiting Mars since September 1997. It has far outlasted its original mission, which ended in 2000. NASA has repeatedly extended its mission since then.
On 2 November, MGS's managers sent routine commands to adjust the position of one of the spacecraft's solar power arrays.
The spacecraft sent back data indicating a problem with the motor that moves the array. The spacecraft software responded as expected, by switching to backup control circuitry for the motor.
Then the spacecraft went behind Mars, and when it came back into view, its radio signal was very weak. "It was down by about 42 decibels, which is a huge drop," says MGS manager Thomas Thorpe of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California, US.
Safe mode
During the next two days, on 3 and 4 November, no signal was received from the spacecraft. Another very weak signal was received on 5 November, indicating that the spacecraft had switched to a waiting mode, pending further instructions from Earth. But the signal cut out again later that day and nothing has been heard from the spacecraft since.
One possibility is that a problem with the solar array has caused a loss of power, Thorpe says. If the power is too low, the spacecraft would not be able to send signals from its high gain antenna, which it normally uses to communicate with Earth.
If the solar panel is stuck, the spacecraft is programmed to go into a 'safe mode', rotating so the panel points at the Sun. As a result, the high gain antenna would end up pointed in the wrong direction.
But in this case, the spacecraft's low gain antenna should still have maintained contact with Earth. Yet no signal has been heard from it, Thorpe says, so the problem might lie elsewhere.
Micrometeorite hit
Alternatively, the high gain antenna may be pointed in the wrong direction for a reason unrelated to the solar panels. A micrometeorite hit could jolt the spacecraft and misalign the antenna, Thorpe says. A so-called 'mispointing' could also result from an error in tracking the stars, which the spacecraft does to figure out its orientation, he says.
If the spacecraft does not receive commands from Earth for seven days in a row, it is programmed to stop whatever it is doing and try to transmit a signal to Earth using its high gain antenna. This could happen at about 0014 GMT on Friday (1614 PST on Thursday), so NASA will be listening for a signal from MGS's high gain antenna at that time.
Even if the spacecraft cannot transmit a high gain antenna signal to Earth, it might still be able to listen to commands. So NASA will send a command to have the spacecraft point its low gain antenna at Earth as a fallback.
If no signal is heard on Thursday, NASA will listen again on Saturday, since it already tried to upload commands to the spacecraft on 4 November.
Neighbourhood watch
If no signal is heard on either day, NASA may call on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to take pictures of MGS early next week. The two spacecraft pass within about 100 kilometres of each other several times each week.
MRO's camera is easily powerful enough to determine the orientation of the spacecraft and its solar arrays. This would reveal whether the spacecraft has gone into safe mode or not.
Although the team is still hoping to be able to contact the spacecraft, there is a possibility that it could be lost forever, Thorpe says.
Right now, NASA is using its 70-metre radio dishes to try to contact MGS, but in time, pressure will build to stop the search so that other missions can use the dishes.
"When you don't hear from the spacecraft as time goes on, people become pessimistic as to whether the spacecraft can ever be recovered," Thorpe told New Scientist. "Other people need them for other things and after all, we're a spacecraft in its fourth extended mission. There are other missions out there doing good science too."
Mars’s north polar cap is surrounded by clouds in this image acquired by MGS on 15 October, about three weeks before communication with the spacecraft was lost (Image: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems)
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